Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Laney gets a new dress!

I've had this shirt hanging in our home(s) for the last 2-3 months with plans of using this tutorial to make Lane a dress.  Reilly bought this shirt for Mike for Christmas and within 1-2 wears, it had a stain on it (of course), so what better way to "keep it in the family" than to make Lane a dress.  Today, is the last day of May.  All of my customs are finished, so I had today and only today to get any "me" sewing done before beginning June custom orders.  I sat down at my machine around 4 and within an hour had everything done except threading the elastic.  Lane looks cute in it - I am pretty sure Mike is going to love it - and I am pretty proud of myself!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

And now I'm mom to a 5 year old, a 4 year old, and an ALMOST 17 month old!

That's right - Finn is FOUR.  Not really sure how it happened, but he is.  He had a wonderful birthday complete with lunch out (at Daddy's work of course) where they sang to him and brought him some balloons.  We also took him to Fun Depot where he got to bowl, climb, play mini-golf, and jump on inflatables.  He even got a cake straight from Florida, delivered to him on his birthday!

Ok, so we've lived here for just over a month.  Mike is still in love with his job, the kids are still loving the space, and I'm getting involved and making friends.  I'd say it's successful!  I attended a new playgroup last week and the kids really enjoyed being around other kids.  I've met a few awesome, like minded mamas since moving here and am confident that I'll make some forever friends here!  We begin puppy training with Scout in a couple of weeks -- and it can't come soon enough.  She did however learn to play fetch today - improvement over just biting our feet all the time I'd say. 

We are now struggling with a decision --- homeschool or public school?  Reilly has (once again) decided he's not interested in anything I have to offer, and is also unsure of school.  I think we'll be taking a tour of the elementary school soon and letting him make his decision.  It's like 2 steps forward, 1 step back with him. 

Until next time....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Almost a month has passed...

I'm sorry for that.  After my last post, we had a visit from my parents and then we moved to Asheville.  During the first week we were here, a storm came through that fried out internet router and while we replaced it, my laptop will not connect.  We're going to have to call a computer tech out soon.  So, in the meantime, I'm on my netbook which is much slower and harder to use than my laptop.  The plus side to this --- I'm working faster through carriers, spending more time cleaning and organizing our new house, and knitting again (which I've not done since January-ish).  Oh, and the dog....I spend 10-15 minutes of every hour taking her outside, staying on her not to use Laney for a chew toy, and keeping the big kids from scaring the crap out of her.  Anyway - incase you don't know about her, her name is Scout (the kids picked it, but as a friend pointed out the name is very fitting since she was abandoned by her mama at 2 weeks old).  She's a lab/boxer mix, though the bigger she gets, I'm seeing that she's pretty much boxer through and through.  She has the tail of a lab and that's about it.  The kids love her, Mike adores her (almost as much as the kids I think), and I like her.  She's sweet, but she's having a 4th child (or 5th on certain days). 

I did manage to get out to LLL last week (though I did get my days confused and showed up on Monday for the Wednesday meeting).  I believe the group will welcome me with open arms...it's just hard to leave my groups in the Charlotte area (and to not compare the groups).  I'll be attending the breastfeeding cafe' on Monday as well as the Asheville group that night.  Fingers crossed that all goes well with those 2 events. 

Mike is settling in nicely to his job.  He's excited to be working for this company again - which is something I've not really seen from him since he opened Salisbury.  Everyone he works with seems accepting as well as flexible which is perfect since sometimes things do come up.

Reilly is becoming more accepting of actual worksheet schoolwork and is still holding his ground that he wants to be homeschooled rather than go to public school.  We're still rolling with it for now.  Finn is almost FOUR!!!!!!!!!!  How in the world did that happen???????  "He" got a swingset for his birthday (meaning it's really a family thing, but we can let him believe it's his birthday present) and Mike is building him a sandbox (so that they'll stop using the gravel in the driveway to build "sandcastles").  Delaney is....well....Laney.  She's into EVERYTHING.  I don't really remember the boys being SO testy at this age.  She's a climber, she's a sneak, and she's a mama's girl.  She's 16 months and walking full time now (or running if the door gets opened and she thinks she can make it to the swingset before mama catches her). 

Bottom line...we are all settling in.  The kids love the open yard and play outside for a couple of hours every day, mama likes all the space (though on days like today - the kids forget there's 10 other rooms they can be in that's NOT the one I'm in), and daddy is enjoying telling stories to the kids of things he did in this house while growing up.

I promise not to stay gone so long this time...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Egg Hunt, Moving Frustrations, and Rewards

Yesterday, we went to an egg hunt with some of the natural mamas from Central Piedmont Mommies at a local park.  The kids had a really great time finding all the eggs with (food free) prizes!  They got tons of Silly Bands, trinkets, playdoh, bubble rings, bouncy balls, and stickers.  It was so nice to go to an event where the focus was not food and I didn't have to worry about what Reilly could/could not have.  The kids had a ball playing with other kids, especially the older ones.  They listened great, played well, and had a great time! 

Laney got her own special eggs from our good friend Stephanie.  They each have a little L on top and inside was a bow in each!  She's super sweet!!  Laney had a great time chewing on them.

Laney is wearing her new dress that Megan made for her.  It's super cute!  The little bird has a "LB" on it - short for Laney Bird :)

Onto moving frustrations --- Mike and I have a stronger marriage now than we ever have.  We rarely argue about anything, but being left in the car with 3 children - 2 of whom are screaming for more than 30 minutes because someone at corporate screwed up the box order at Uhaul does not make for a happy mommy.  Long story short, corporate reserved furniture pads from the Uhaul in ASHEVILLE instead of the boxes/packing tape from the Uhaul in CHARLOTTE.  Needless to say, the manager will personally be delivering the boxes tonight and we might actually get everything packed before my parents get here.

Reilly and Finn have been working hard to fill their responsibility chart.  This was our first time using this approach and I learned quickly that some of their responsibilities were unrealistic (like making beds seeing as how we don't even make our bed).  I'm just not the kind of mom that requires things like that.  So, after they filled their charts, they would get to go to Target and choose a toy that would not exceed $15.  They were VERY excited to pick their new toys today.  Reilly chose Color Wonder "Glow Explosion" and Finn chose Color Wonder Fingerpaints.  They came home and quickly cleaned up their mess in the living room (one of their responsibilities) so they could open and use their new toys.  Finn meticulously painted a rainbow and Reilly quickly drew on 4 sheets of his glow paper.  They LOVE the crayola color wonder stuff --- and so does mama :).

And one more....About 2 days ago, our little Lane (you know the one who is still just barely taking steps and is still only around 19lbs) decided she can (and will) scale our kitchen table.  And I thought the boys were trouble....

Friday, April 15, 2011

One day closer to the move...

Okay, I know, I've already been slack.  Nothing exciting happened yesterday until the evening, and then I was just too tired to sit at the computer.  Finn got to meet Spiderman last night.  This is HUGE for him.  The kid LOVES Spiderman.  This is almost as exciting for Finn as Disney World was!!  Unfortunately, Spiderman was working and we didn't manage a picture with him.  Next time, next time! 

Reilly had his very last soccer practice with Harrisburg last night.  I was unable to attend due to my last LLL of Cabarrus County meeting, but Mike said he did great!! 

After the evening's planned activities, we needed to run to Target to get Easter Eggs for today's egg hunt.  Laney had a great time at Target!

Her new bows are courtesy of Sweet Jenna Bows which is owned by a good friend of mine!  Now, Lane's pigtails aren't bare!  Oh, and her dress is the "Laney Dress" (named after my sweet sweet girl) by Liz at Two L Creations.  (If anyone is ever looking to buy Lane something -- go to these girls!  Mike would be very appreciative since I spend so much with them!!)

The boys got to stay up late and help me load the easter eggs with silly bands, monster finger puppets, and bouncy balls.  They absolutely loved that task and were very helpful!!

So, now, T minus 4 days til my parents come - YAY! and T minus10 days til our move.  We cannot wait!!  Oh, and Mike has 3 more days of work, then he's off for 5!  We are very much looking forward to having him home with us!

And just so the boys aren't left out -- a picture of them on our playdate with Jenna earlier in the week.  Reilly LOVED the jeep --- maybe I should invest in one that's not so pink for him?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lane Walks!

Lane walking --- yes, I know it's sideways.  Mike has informed me that I have to hold my phone sideways when using the video camera.  I'll try for a better video soon!

Slightly overwhelmed, but very much at peace

Well first, I guess I should let you all know why I decided to start a blog.  This has been on my to do list since Lane's hospitalization, though I just couldn't keep up with it.  Since our lives are changing so much, I think it best to keep our wonderful friends in the Charlotte area up to date as well as family who don't use facebook. 

So, here I am - just after 8am on a Wednesday.  I have today and the next 5 days to get the rest of my home packed.  This move is very sudden (I mean, aren't they all with a large corporation??) but very much welcomed!!  We get to move back home, how awesome is that?  Our children get to experience Asheville life and that alone is most awesome.  I'm very lucky that the kids are so excited about our move as well.  Reilly cannot wait to be in Asheville and in the mountains.  I'm looking forward to family hikes, walking around the wonderful downtown areas, and most of all - the mountains!  I'm confident that we will all find new friends. 

Homeschooling, or rather unschooling because making Reilly sit and do x number of worksheets daily wasn't working for either of us, is going great.  Reilly LOVES math - loves.  He certainly did not get that from either Mike or I.  It comes so easy for him.  So, while I wish I could report that he's reading book after book, writing word after word, that is not the case.  He's not interested and I'm ok with that for now.  I really do believe he's the only kid that walks around Disney World spouting off addition drills.  He's just recently decided that he can count by 2s, 5s, 4s, 3s, 10s --- well you get it.  He's also started some early multiplication problems.  He's going to be ready for calculus before I know it!  Finn just soaks it all in.  He's left handed and that's posing a bit of a problem for myself and teaching him to write.  Everything is backwards right now.  We'll work through it and figure it out.  He's writing his name and soaking in every single math problem that Reilly spouts off.  Finn is definitely more interested in writing and reading than Reilly and we are working with him on that. 

Now, our little Lane has decided she can now stand and take steps.  She just turned 15 months a few days ago and this is very much a welcomed skill.  Really hoping she holds off on full blown walking so we can share those moments with my parents next week!  She's also got yes and no down pat, knows the difference, and can (and does!) tell me if she does or does not want something!

I have so much to do, but plan to get on at least once a day to keep you all up to date on the newest happenings here! 
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